Introduction world-wide urbanisation brings with it a wide range of challenges. The demand forland increases, and the energy, resource, water and waste disposal needs of urban populationsneed to be met. Especially in the developing world, where most mega-cities are located andurbanisation is particularly rapid and not necessarily controlled, providing good livingconditions to urban populations is one of the main challenges of our time (UN Habitat, 2004).Policymakers are facing tremendous pressures to develop city management strategies thatstrive for sustainable cities where all inhabitants can enjoy at least a fair quality of life and areasonably healthy environment.
Transportation and utility systems are essential to accommodate and support development proposed in the Future Land Use Map. The following pages present the Comprehensive Plans recommendations regarding these key City services.
Architectural engineering is a relatively new licensed profession, emerging in the 20th century as a result of the rapid technology advancement of the Industrial Revolution. Architectural engineers are the engineers that specialize in making buildings. This is a particularly important profession today, since our world is immersed in two major technological revolutions, (1) that of rapidly advancing computer-technology, and (2) the parallel revolution arising from the need to create a sustainable planet. Architectural engineers are at the forefront of both historical opportunities.
Helms & Company offers an array of consulting services and is also well regarded for its success in the conceptualization, development and management of collaborative partnerships among provider groups. Helms & Companys extensive capabilities include six specialty areas: (1) Executive Support & Interim Executive Management; (2) Strategic Plan Development/Refinement and Business Development Planning; (3) Operational Process & Performance Support; (4) Physician Practice Management; (5) Payer Management and Health Insurance Broker Services; and (6) Joint Venture, ACO and Association Management/Facilitation.